SaazleLabels :
Label printing
For years you have been forced to consider label printing apart from regular printing, with dedicated tools, specialized skills, and very limited flexibility.
These days are gone, with SaazleLabels you can make enterprise label printing as simple as it should be.
« Labels are just documents, label printers are just printers… »
Why should you design different labels for different printer brands, models, or even printhead resolutions ?
With SaazleLabels, when your PDF label is generated, not only you can print it on any printer, any label size, but you also are 100% sure that it will look the same as in the PDF, whatever its content, without having to install fonts or change anything on your printers.
With SaazleLabels® you will…
Rationalize your tools
and organization
Today, you can generate PDF documents from your application or your document composition tool, and your application can print documents through a print server or an output management system.
Why then would you be forced to use an integrated solution including both label design and print server, dedicated to label printing ?
With SaazleLabels, you can use the same generic tools for label printing, managed by the same people.
Simplify fleet management and maintenance
With SaazleLabels, there is no need for specific configuration or fonts to be deployed or installed on your label printers, and as soon as you can print you may never need a firmware update neither.
So not only you will instantly save a lot of time and money, but also it has never been easier to deal with hardware failures or fleet changes for any expected or unexpected reason (end of life, printer brand changes, company acquisitions, etc)
and secure changes
With SaazleLabels, when modifying a label’s content, it is 100% sure printing will continue working after the change.
And because you use your favorite tools for generating the PDF documents, you’re more efficient at doing these changes.
So now with SaazleLabels, your business is both more agile and safer.
…and by the
way, you’ll also
save money !
At every stage you will save money.
How much will depend on your particular situation, but if you have lots of label printers distributed in different countries, it is likely to be a lot…