Frequently Asked Questions

What is Saazle ?

Saazle is a SaaS factory, providing solutions to simplify your document processing automation, such as document conversions or synchronization, for general printing, label printing, or document processing only.
If you are running SAP or any other enterprise application, if you are running an output management enterprise software such as OpenText Output Server, Macro4 Columbus or LRS VPSX, then Saazle will be the ideal add-on, tackling down the challenges you have been facing for years, with simple yet powerful solutions to common issues.

Who is Saazle for ?

Today, Saazle solutions are targeted to large international companies, but we are working at providing Saazle solutions to small and medium businesses in the future.
If you run such a company and feel Saazle could help you, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to discuss your business case and find a solution with you.

Output Management, Document automation, Customer Communication Management ?

Lots of companies say they are doing Output Management, with many different meanings. Actually, products that claim doing output management are usually doing part or all of: print files spooling, generic document delivery (print/mail/fax/transfer/etc), assured delivery, document post-processing, input/output independence, bursting / sorting and bundling, document composition, drivers management, pull printing, archiving and consultation, etc…

At Saazle we consider Output Management as any facilitation offered to client applications in delivering the right information, to the right place or person, at the right time, using the right canal, in the right format, and to ensure it was actually delivered, with a closed loop to the calling application. So effectively it can be a mix and match of all of these technical subjects.

This terminology tends to be replaced with Customer Communication Management, yet solutions that claim doing so are usually more focused on document composition, and less on the other parts, leading to issues when people believe they can easily replace their OM solution with a CCM one.
Then we also hear about Document Automation, which we believe all of this is about at some point, yet companies still try to classify their portfolio between OM, CCM and DA…

At Saazle we don’t really care about this, you’re free to use our solutions wherever you want, directly from your applications, as part of your Output Management platform, Customer Communication Management solution, or in a Document Automation framework, as you wish 😉

Where can I find your API ?

We currently only provide our API to customer or prospects with a signed NDA, along with an access to a testing environment.

Later on the API will be available on the website.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the legal framework of data protection across the EU.
In the terms of the GDPR, Saazle takes two different roles:

  • Data controller
  • Processor

Saazle may be a data controller typically when collecting name, email address and address for managing accounts and for billing. It may also apply if a customer is using Saazle with files containing personal data. Saazle privacy policy FAQ section explains in more detail which data we collect and share.

What we do collect:

  • IP address and times of access
  • Name and email address from customer account
  • Billing address and payment information

What we do share and with whom:

  • Billing address and payment information with our billing and payment providers
  • IP address, time of access, browser agent, and referrer with Google Analytics

What we commit not to do:

  • Sharing uploaded data
  • Mining uploaded date, apart from technical metadata if necessary for processing
  • Keeping your uploaded data, which will be deleted irreversibly deleted within 24 hours, unless configured differently by yourself

Saazle may be a processor if you as an organization is using Saazle to process your customers files, for example if you collect personal data and send them to do some conversions.

As a processor, we commit to:

  • Processing provided personal data solely in accordance with your instructions. Saazle will never process or share your data for any other purposes.
  • Applying strict security standards to provide a high level of security.
  • Implementing technical and organizational measures in accordance GDPR article 32.
  • Reporting any data breach to you without “undue delay”.
  • Solely using subcontractors that comply with the GDPR and have signed appropriate contractual agreements.
  • Helping you meet your own regulatory obligations, by providing you with adequate documentation of our services.

Privacy policy


Privacy is important to us! Our service can only exist if our customers trust us and our customers can be sure their data is secure. Thus, privacy has the highest priority for us. To be transparent we will explain in more detail how saazle handles your data in the following.

  • As a Data Controller, Saazle is bound by the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you do not agree to our Privacy Policy and the other terms stated below, please do not use our services and let us know about your concerns. We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy and other terms stated below at any time. If changes occur, we will clearly indicate such alterations at the top of this page with the date of modification.

Personal Data Collected by us

We collect the minimum amount of necessary data only. If you register, buy or subscribe for services, we need to collect more data about you. We do not collect any data from your uploaded files.

  • By visiting our website and/or using our API, your IP address will be logged along with the HTTP referrer, user agent and the dates of access (log data).
  • By providing a file for processing, we do not read or collect file content, non-Saazle metadata or other data from your uploaded files. If present, Saazle specific metadata may be read, if required by the requested process. For statistical, reporting, and billing purposes, we do collect the number of converted files, pages, page sizes, output files resolutions, the number of errors, incoming and outcoming document formats and file sizes.
  • If you decide to create a Saazle account, we collect your email address, your chosen username and your profile picture. If you use our contact form, we collect your email address and your name.
  • If you decide to buy a package or to subscribe, we need to additionally collect your full name, physical address, company name and VAT number. We do not collect your credit card data.

Use of Your Personal Data

We use your personal data to provide our service only. We do not make profiles or stuff like that.

  • We do log your IP address to prevent abuse of our service and for broad demographic analysis. We do not link this information to any personally identifiable information.
  • If you provide an email address we use it to communicate with according to your notification settings.
  • If you buy a package or subscribe for our services your name, company and address is used to create the invoice and for prevention of fraud. Your VAT number may be used to check if you qualify to exempt of paying VAT.

Handling of Your Files

We do not look into it. Files are deleted automatically or anytime on request. We do not make any copies.

  • In the course of providing the service your files are transferred to and temporary stored on servers of Saazle. We do not read, look into or mine any data from your files or its non-Saazle metadata. We do not make any copies of it.
  • All file processing is done by machine and there is no human interaction with your files. Unless configured differently by yourself, your files are irreversibly deleted from our servers at the latest after 24 hours after processing.
  • In multi-step processes such as document synchronizations, uploaded files will be kept until processing of all previously uploaded files is requested, and uploaded files may be deleted anytime on request.

Sharing Your Data

We do not share your files. We do need to share some of your personal data in order to provide you with services.

  • Your uploaded files will not be given out our sold to anyone. No one, you did not provide a download link or API access, will ever have access to your uploaded or converted files.
  • Also, your username, email and profile picture or other account data will not be shared with anyone.

Keeping your Data

Files are deleted after 24h at latest after processing. We keep your personal data until it is needed for the provision of our services.

  • We will keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary to provide you with our services. Your files are deleted immediately and irreversibly from our servers with appropriate API calls. This will happen automatically at the latest after 24 hours after processing.
  • If you delete your account, all personal data will be permanently deleted within 72 hours. All log data (IP address, user agent, referrer) is deleted after 14 days.

Your Rights

You can modify or delete your data on your own at anytime.

  • Your can modify your data on your dashboard. You can delete your account at anytime on your own. This will delete your account and all associated data permanently within 72 hours. Deleting your account also deletes all data stored at payment provider and ticket system Alternatively, you can contact us and we will do it for you.
  • Please note that your uploaded files are automatically deleted after 24 hours at latest after processing.
  • You have the right to be given a copy of information held by us about you. We will provide the requested information to you within 40 calendar days of the receipt of a valid request in writing. We might request you to provide additional information to enable us to identify your personal data and/or to verify your identity.


Saazle solutions are designed to be accessed from the internet, delivered from the cloud, using best in class security standards.

  • Not only we don’t need a VPN between you and Saazle, but we don’t want it, so neither you have access to Saazle internals, nor Saazle can access to your internal network.
  • We are committed to protect your personal data and your files. Saazle takes all necessary measures to keep your personal information and your files private and secure. The Saazle staff is trained in order to properly handle your data. All third-party employees who have access to your personal information have signed data processing agreements.
  • Saazle maintains a secure IT environment and all security measures are constantly adjusted to technical progress. All transfers from and to Saazle are SSL encrypted. All Saazle servers have the appropriate measures in place to prevent unauthorised access (i.e. hacking). To explain our security measurements in detail would be too extensive for this page; if you want to get more details about our security concept please feel free to contact us.


We need them to provide our web site based services.

  • Saazle stores so-called cookies in order to be able to offer you a comprehensive range of functions and to make it easier to use our websites. Cookies are small files which are stored on your computer with the help of the internet browser. If you do not want to use cookies, you can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer using the corresponding settings on your internet browser. Please note that this may restrict the functional capability and the range of functions of our offer.


We do use Google Analytics on this site. You can opt out if you do not like it.

  • We use Google Analytics to store information about how visitors use our website so that we may make improvements and give visitors a better user experience. Google Analytics is a third-party information storage system by Google that records information about the pages you visit, the length of time you were on specific pages and the website in general, how you arrived at the site and what you clicked on. You can opt out of the usage of Google Analytics on this and all other websites using a browser plugin.

Any other question ?
Something you would like to have in Saazle ?
Need a friend 🙂 ?

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